Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 36? Or something

Not sure what day it is at the moment, just have a few minutes for a quick post. I'm back on track with workouts AND diet, which is nice. Still coughing a bit but feeling better. Trying to cope with a slight lack of sleep after a late night over the weekend + daylight savings time taking effect.

My husband and I went with some friends to see Lady Gaga on Saturday night -- so much fun! I only knew a couple of her songs but I went because I wanted to see the show she might put on, and it was worth every penny. Our seats were close to the stage on the side, so we couldn't see everything but had a great view of the backstage area, which was fun. It was amazing to watch her and her dancers move, especially since I've been thinking so much about learning to move my body lately. These were incredibly fit, incredibly coordinated people, wearing almost no clothing so I could see everything they were doing. There was one dance move that looked a lot like the Creep that we used to do on PCP, and I poked my husband and said, "That's what I was doing in the basement every morning!" He looked at me a little strangely. Anyway, it was a great time and I enjoyed it all the more because of my newfound respect for dancers.

I think I've grown a couple of inches in the last 6 weeks, or maybe I'm just standing up straighter. At any rate, I can definitely feel the difference in my standing and walking posture, and I'm finding more ease in my meditation posture too.

It's going to be a challenging weekend, KFB-wise, because on Thursday I fly to New York for a good friend's wedding. It's going to be a three-day series of parties (mehndi on Thursday -- she's Indian -- then rehearsal on Friday and wedding on Saturday) and I can't wait. She's one of my oldest friends and I couldn't be happier for her, plus I'll get to see a lot of our mutual friends from college. BUT -- it means lots of food, lots of parties, lots of alcohol, and several late nights in a row. I've decided I'm just going to do my best: eat as close to plan as I can during the day, then be reasonable in the evenings. I'm taking my jump rope with me and should be able to do most of my workouts. But it also doesn't seem very Kung Fu-ey to go to a friend's wedding and say I can't have a glass of champagne because I'm "on a program." The real skillful exercise will be getting back to my routine after I get home.

I have to say, though, it feels a little ridiculous thinking about any of this in light of what's happening in Japan. The people I know through this program are my only real connection to Japan, and you guys (Patrick, Ilan, Naoko) were the first people I thought of when I heard the news. There's not much I can do from here, though (made my Red Cross donation right away), so I feel like being upset at something on the other side of the world is no excuse to slack off on my training. I'm taking some time in meditation to hold everyone in my heart for few moments. I feel like that's pretty much all I can do, and hope things don't get worse.


  1. Best of luck this coming weekend. I believe you will make good choices and have a wonderful time!

  2. Looks like the next 'consumption' is well-timed. I'm sure you'll do fine; I feel like Indian cuisine starts off in a healthier place than you might find in a traditional American wedding. And I'm sure you can handle food in New York. And the New Yorkers.

    Have fun, looking forward to reading up on your weekend!
