Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 1 & 2

I know exactly what I'm doing.

I have no clue what I'm doing.

I've done this before, but it's all new.

I'm sitting here slightly, pleasantly sore and tired after my Day 2 KFB workout. So far, the workouts feel pretty light, and surprisingly fun. I've been working on reestablishing a daily meditation practice so it's nice to have that folded into my other health efforts.

It's been 5 months since the end of the PCP, and I am not in Peak Condition at the moment, but not as far from it as I had feared. Since the PCP ended, I've managed to work out (at the VERY least) 3 times a week, most weeks more like 5 times. This is huge for me, someone who exercised sporadically at best before the PCP. A lot of the angst and resistance I had to exercise was dissipated over the course of the PCP, and now I generally approach it like a professional: get dressed, get in, get out, check it off the list. I work out because it makes me feel good, and as long as I remember that, I can get it done. I used the PCP maintenance workouts for a while until they got so God-awful boring that I had to find something new, then for the past month I've been using a very cool iPhone app just to mix it up. It's a mark of how far I've come that I was really excited to see my new KFB workouts, instead of dreading them.

Food is another matter entirely. Food is definitely my area of weakness when it comes to wellness. I like healthy food, but portion control is sometimes an issue, and emotional eating is definitely an issue. It's a big deal for me to even admit this in public, so I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to talk about it publicly. But suffice it to say that I have retained some good habits from the PCP and I have let other bad habits creep back in. I'm happy to be back on a "program" and I'm happy to be continuing in my journey towards a better relationship with food.

The timing of this program is really great for me. I'm going to a friend's fancy-schmancy wedding in New York City right in the middle of the program, so I'm going to use that as a mid-term goal to shoot for. I don't have any weight goals in particular, I just want to look as good as I can by then. And by the time this program is over, it'll be Derby time in Louisville, the biggest festival of the year around here. Lots of parties & social events = opportunities for cute spring dresses. I'm looking forward to starting the warmer season with a healthier body.

I'm also happy to be sharing this experience with some wonderful people, including my former PCP buddies Deborah and Naoko. The social aspect of the PCP was one of the best things about it.

Two days in and feeling good. Bring it on!


  1. I found you! I found you! Good luck, Tara! You will tear it up. I'll be with you as many steps of the way as I can pull off in Zambia. xo!

  2. Tara the wise, the great writer, the committed.

    How sweet to find you on this path again. Sigh.
    We will do this together.
    And Jenny - looking at us from Zambia!
    Isn't life interesting?

  3. 'Pleasantly sore'--spoken like a true PCPer! You gotta own it.
