Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 17

Woo, it's been a busy few days. Have fallen off the KFB wagon just a *little* bit, but holding strong for the most part, and really enjoying the changes I'm seeing.

Last night, my husband and I hosted an amazing musician, Dayna Kurtz, for a house concert. We had about 30 people come over, have some food & drinks, then Dayna played and sang in our living room for a couple of hours. It was such a fun evening. It meant, however, about two days of preparation, from buying food & booze, cleaning up and rearranging our furniture, and renting and setting up a small sound system. We made a Spanish feast (paella, tortilla espanola, roasted red peppers, marinated mushrooms) and asked our French pastry chef friend to bring some desserts -- and they were incredibly gorgeous. I think everybody had a great time, and I was really too busy to eat much of anything so I did fine, and I got my workouts done early in the day.

Today is where everything has fallen apart, KFB-wise. I stayed up too late and couldn't get up at my usual 5:45am to work out, then decided to nap while my daughter napped instead of working out then. I'm about to put her to bed in a few minutes, and I'm going to do the workout then. I hate working out at night, especially since I'm going to be back on mornings tomorrow. But it has to get done.

Then, this afternoon -- I ate a healthy, normal lunch, but then caved to a piece of cake that was in my fridge. Dammit! I sent lots of people home with food but didn't get rid of everything. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, but I'm pondering why I ate it. Or why I ate it all, instead of just a couple of bites. I'm going to chalk it up to a combination of fatigue and feeling out of my routine because I didn't work out in the morning. Exercising first thing *really* helps me set the tone for the day.

So now it's off to make dinner for my daughter, get her in bed, then hit my workout. Sigh. But I learned on the PCP that I have to make it work, and the rewards are great when I do.

Hope everybody else had a great weekend!

P.S. I also have about 15 or 16 incredibly yummy locally-brewed beers in my fridge -- anybody want to take them off my hands? :-)


  1. Hi Tara

    Seems like a great time for you guys. just getting on the wagon again myself I hear ya.


  2. Thanks for your comments -- parallel paths. Yes. We know what we are doing now. This is a challenge for me, to focus on myself instead of others. I'm facing that in my life right now and it looks as if it is the first level of work I need to do mentally for this program.


  3. Oh man - are there indulgence times in KFB? I would definitely take those beers from you!!
