Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 3 - Punch Out!!

Does anybody remember that old Nintendo game called Mike Tyson's Punch Out? My brother and I used to play it when we got sick of Super Mario Brothers. (It was before Mike Tyson was creepy.) Anyway, that's about as close as I've ever gotten to punching anybody or anything.

Until now.

I'm really enjoying the workouts so far, and I'm noticing that the part that makes me feel the silliest is the punching. I'm a girl; we don't usually punch. (Now, if pulling hair were on our exercise list, I could do that...) I never took martial arts. I took a stage combat class once, but you have to manage your energy very carefully so you don't actually hit anyone. So, punching is pretty new to me.

My arms feel so loose, and my hands feel so light at the ends of my wrists. I'm not bothered by it at all -- I know I'll get more accustomed to it -- it just feels really funny. The kicks feel different somehow, like my foot is heavier and has more force behind it. I guess that makes sense, if the kicks are fueled by the biggest muscles in my body.

Anyway, all is well in my KFB world. Unlike the early days of the PCP, I'm not filled with anxiety about what's coming next. I have enough experience with Patrick to know that I have no idea what's coming next, so if it's easy now, I'm going to enjoy it and wait until the next email that changes everything. Or not.

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